Domestic Abuse

Here to help

Domestic Abuse

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 The Listening Hub was established in Essex as a direct result of feedback from survivors of Domestic Abuse. Many of whom were eventually supported by Child First Trust and Mid Tendring Education Partnership.

Time and again we listened as those affected by this often hidden crime told their stories. It soon became clear that there was often a significant delay in accessing support and moving closer to freedom from fear and abuse.

Those affected felt ‘trapped’ and ‘silenced’. Afraid to seek support and not sure where to start

“I knew I needed help. I knew my children were suffering too. The red flags were everywhere. But I was afraid to take that step. I didn’t know who to turn to. I wasn’t sure who I could trust and felt that if I made a wrong step it could cost me my life. I now realise that doing nothing was actually the biggest risk I took.”

“I just didn’t know where to start. I couldn’t even look online for help because I feared being found out’

Living With Domestic Abuse?

Reach Out. We Can Help.

It became clear that, whilst the services were out there – many of our parents/carers were not aware of them and couldn’t safely search to locate them.

We also heard consistently that many of our survivors had initially not recognised what was happening to them as domestic abuse. ‘He’s never actually hit me’ was a frequent observation and the seriousness of the abusive behaviours were sometimes lost.

As education charities we realised that our schools could play a vital role in sharing this information. Providing a safe bridge to help parents/carers, children and young people access support and helping to raise awareness in regards to Domestic Abuse.

It is our hope that every school in the county and eventually every school in the country provides a page on its website that provides accessible support to parents in this field.